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Arabic4Quran, learn Arabic for the Quran the easy way
How to learn Arabic to understand the Quran the easy way
My story and why this course is different
The natural way to learn a language
Using what you already know and learning with a story
Meaning of common Arabic words used by Muslims
Bismillah (3:45)
Assalam alaykum (8:09)
In sha Allah (3:32)
Jezzakallah khair (3:40)
Allah Akbar (3:42)
Alhamdullillah (6:08)
Subhanallah (2:56)
La hawla wa la quwata illa billah (4:36)
Astaghfirullah (4:19)
Vocabulary we use in the prayer
Phrases we use in ruku' and sujud (4:14)
Tashahud (3:26)
Prayer on the Prophet (2:27)
Last dua (2:02)
Meaning of some short Surahs
Al-Fatiha 1 (10:26)
Al-Ikhlas (2:31)
Al-Kafirun (2:45)
Al-Kauthar (2:59)
Al-'Asr (2:34)
Al- Falaq (3:32)
Al-Nas (5:30)
The story of Prophet Ibrahim in Arabic & English
1. Who broke the idols? (7:01)
2. Azar's son (4:58)
3. Ibrahim's Advice (4:52)
4. Ibrahim breaks the idols (6:46)
5. Who did this? (8:13)
6. A cold fire (3:49)
7. Who is my Lord? (5:33)
8. My Lord is Allah (2:58)
9. Ibrahim's invitation (4:04)
10. In front of the king (5:06)
11. Inviting the father (3:06)
12. To Makkah
Points of grammar
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