The natural way to learn a language

If you look at the way a child learn a language, you will realise that he repeats the words he hears the most. That is how he integrates vocabulary and starts to associate a meaning to the sounds.

That it is the approach we should use to learn the meaning of the words of the Quran.

By repeating the most oft repeated words of the Quran and putting a meaning to the sound, we will be able to learn the vocabulary without any effort and in a natural way .

And have you ever seen a child learning how to speak its mother tongue by learning what is the subject, the verb or the object of a sentence? Certainly not!

Even if he does not understand the whole grammatical structure of a sentence, he gets the jest of the meaning by understanding of the main words. For example, if you tell a child: "Would you please give me the apples which are on the table?", even if he does not understand the whole meaning, he makes sense of the words apple and table and he will go and fetch them.

Similarly, at the beginning of our journey to understand the Quran, we want to focus our learning in understand the meaning of the words, and first of all those we already repeating often in our life and daily prayer

So are you ready?

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