Using what you already know and learning with a story
You might already know more than you think of Arabic!
Everyday, you are using Arabic words like 'assalam alaykum', 'alhamdulillah', 'jezakallah khair' etc...
In Arabic 4 Quran, you will learn the meaning of these words you are already familiar with and that will enrich your vocabulary naturally and easily.
Knowing their meaning will also bring meaning to your daily life!
In your daily prayer, you always repeat the same words. But do you know what they mean?
In Arabic4Quran, you will learn their meaning which you will take you one step closer to understand the Quran.
Also, you will study word by word the meaning of the small surahs.
And once you have mastered the meaning of the Arabic words you are already familiar with, you will be ready to develop your vocabulary further. And what a better way than reading a simple story in Arabic, the story of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him)!
Reading or listening to stories is the natural way to learn a language, like children who learn their mother tongue by listening to stories being read to them.
The story we are using comes form a book titled 'The Stories of the Prophets' and was written by Sheikh Hassan Nadwi, an Indian scholar.
He designed this book to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speaking children. The structure of the text is very clever as he introduces a word and then uses it repeatedly in many different sentences. So you end up knowing the meaning of the word without realising it and without any effort.
You see, learning Arabic to understand the Quran is actually easier that you thought!